Realize Your Alcohol Level by Using a Breathalyzer  

So you’ve consumed alcohol and you’re wondering if you are over the legal limit to drive, what do you do? Compare the number of drinks you’ve consumed against some alcohol limit chart? Test yourself to see if you can walk in a straight line? Try to stand on one leg while touching your nose with one hand? We hate to break it to you, but none of these actions will help you to accurately determine your blood alcohol levels. The only way that you can really determine whether you are within the legal alcohol limit to drive a vehicle is to perform a breath test using a breathalyzer.


Where do I get a breathalyzer?

Well you can make your way to the nearest police station and see if your local police officer will test you, but the easiest option is to simply Buy a Breathalyzer. Personal Breathalyzers are very affordable and are widely available. They are portable and can be easily stored in the glove box of your car, your handbag, desk drawer or even your pocket.

How do I test my BAC levels?

Breathalyzers are very easy to use. Simply breathe hard into the mouthpiece for 5-10 seconds and the device will return a reading within seconds. The blood alcohol limit for driving a vehicle in the U.S. is 0.8 so if the reading is over this limit, you know that you are not safe to drive a vehicle. Remember, blood alcohol limits vary from country to country, so it is important that you are aware of the legal limit for whatever country you are socializing in.
Why should I use one?
Quite simply, if you drive a vehicle when over the legal limit, you are putting yourself, other motorists and pedestrians at danger because it has been proven that you are unable to concentrate and focus enough to drive when beyond the designated legal limit. If caught by the police, you face a criminal charge, a hefty fine and a potential driving ban or imprisonment, depending on your country of residence. Using a breathalyzer really serves as your most accurate means of realizing your blood alcohol levels.


Now read this

How an Alcohol Breathalyzer Helps You to Know Your Limit

Different countries, and indeed even different states have different laws regarding acceptable and inacceptable levels of blood alcohol when driving. In some locations, such as Brazil, Azerbaijan, Hungary and Russia, you must have a 0.0... Continue →