Breathalyzers Can Save Lives
Knowing what blood alcohol levels affect your ability to drive is a very grey area for most people. Not everybody is quite sure whether one pint of beer or one glass of wine will put your blood alcohol reading at different levels or whether one bottle of alcopops could push you over the limit. Many people feel “fine” after just one drink.
Alcohol can affect our peripheral vision, our level of concentration, judgement and reaction. Therefore it is important to check your blood alcohol level before you drive a vehicle after consuming alcohol. The easiest way to check this is through the use of a Breathalyzer. By testing your blood alcohol levels, a breathalyzer can indicate whether you are in an appropriate condition to drive a vehicle. Breathalyzers can therefore save lives in two different ways.
It can save the life of you and the potential passengers in your vehicle. If you are unable to judge your blood alcohol levels, you are unable to judge your ability to drive safely and therefore are putting the lives of you and your passengers at risk.
If you are unable to judge your blood alcohol levels and your ability to drive, you are also putting the lives of pedestrians and other motorists at risk as a drop in focus, judgement or reaction can cause you to veer into other traffic or pedestrians walking nearby. A blood alcohol level above the legal limit will certainly affect your vision and level of awareness on the road.
Different drinks can have varying effects on the blood alcohol levels of different people. Even though you find that usually consuming a half glass of beer doesn’t push your blood alcohol level over the safe limit for driving, another night, when you are tired or ill, it may have a different effect. Sleep, illness and many other factors can affect your blood’s ability to absorb alcohol. Having a breathlyzer close to hand will allow you to easily find out your BAC.